Surrogate questions

Veronica 💙

Okay so I have been thinking about this since I lost my first baby last year and What I am thinking about is being a surrogate for a couple that is having a hard time conceiving. The reason I am thinking about this is because I struggled for 2 years to get pregnant with my first son and I know how upsetting , frustrating , and difficult it can be to conceive a child. I have a friend that has had more than 6 miscarriages and I know how much 2 miscarriages break you and to have more is just insane and heartbreaking. So this just pushes me to do it even more.

Obviously i wouldn’t surrogate anytime soon considering as I’m pregnant right now with my second child and won’t be in great shape for a couple of years so I would want to work on that first but if anybody has surrogate information or has done privately or anything it would be a lot of help. I need to educate myself on this obviously and I am going to talk to my doctor and try and get more info and try internet searching as well. Thank you so much in advanced. ❤️