This post is from a very frustrated mama to be😓

Laney • 💓Mommy to: Isaiah Dane •💓

So a couple things...

1. I had the stomach flu last week

Got so dehydrated i now have a UTI... which I didn't know until last night when i went into the hospital for possible back labor

2. The stomach bug was passed around at my baby shower last week

Which 7 people got including my bf and i thought myself.

3. Nurse at the hospital thinks i will have my baby this week

4. someone brought the stomach bug back into my home. So now i have been exposed to it AGAIN.

5. I'm so so nervous to get this bug. I want more than anything for my boyfriend and i to stay healthy so we can hold our baby and not be scared he will get sick:(

6. Now I definitely don't want visitors at the hospital because this bug is spreading so fast and it happens so unexpectedly.

Im so frustrated by this... i want to just cry

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Posted at
I feel your frustration, my toddler and hubby are coming down with a cold and apparently so is my father and little sister .. baby is due in 2-3 weeks .. I’ve been loosing sleep over it 😩 i want ZERO visitors at this point


Laney • Feb 3, 2020
We have been using tons of lysol! We will not get sick again lmao! Hope you guys get to feeling better!


Delfyy • Feb 3, 2020
Except yours is a stomach bug.. just take precautions Lysol the house down wash anything they cane in contact with and maybe buy an air filter or purifier and hope for the best


Delfyy • Feb 3, 2020
Yes it is very scary I’m only 1 cm dilated so I believe I have a good amount of time left but I was freaking out you know baby’s are so delicate and so vulnerable.. but i went on different forums and saw that a lot of moms dealt with the common cold with a newborn and they were okay .. it calmed me down a bit


Posted at
I work at a hospital let your nurses know you don't want visitor or you can be a DNA just make up a password and let your visitor know the password who you want to visit


Rebecca • Feb 3, 2020
I know it's hard but don't get upset just keep taking your vitamin and orange juice. I'm 37 weeks pregnant mother of 4 and I work at hospital we don't let kids visit under 12 unless it's a sibling


Laney • Feb 3, 2020
Im more upset because im scared me and my boyfriend will get sick before i go into labor