Is it possible for a Pink Dye test to pull the control line??

Baby Mama to #3 • 👼🏻💙1/17/18 🌈👶🏼💖12/30/18 👶🏼💖 9/28/20

Ok. I am currently 5w1d. I can’t get in to my dr office until 11 weeks when they do my intake. I had a MMC at 12 weeks in Jan of 2018 and welcomed my daughter on 12/30/18. We had the help of fertility treatments for the first two pregnancies and this pregnancy has been a miracle and happened on its own ❤️❤️. I am so scared to miscarry. The test lines got darker, and now it looks like the control line is getting lighter. I’ve read as HGC gets stronger it can pull, but I am petrified to lose this little miracle. I’ve tested every two days because I am so excited but scared. Has anyone else experienced this?