My Fellow Itchy Mamas! 😎

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. My girl is 6, my little miracle dude is 4, and my little smiley guy is 1! It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

If you had cholestasis with a prior pregnancy... I want to pick your brain!

So I had cholestasis with my last pregnancy and I delivered at 38 weeks. I’m currently 9 weeks with my second and because of the complications last time, my doctor tested my liver enzymes on my first visit and BAM! They’re elevated. Has anyone else had this? I’m supposed to go in tomorrow for more testing, but I just wanted to know from my other itchy moms what your experience was.

We’re y’all able to do anything or change your diet to help it? Thanks! 😎