Almost don’t want to go to first appt...

I had a presumed ectopic in December. I started to miscarry, but not enough, so I was treated with methotrexate. I was floored. I have 2 healthy kiddos after 2 normal pregnancies, and now I miscarry? We were devastated and I’m still pretty heartbroken about it.

2 weeks later I ovulated and my OB said we could try if we were ready. BOOM! Preggs, 5w6d today. Betas were 926 at 4w3d & 4616 at 4w6d so the OB said they were great and didn’t order any more betas.

I’m terrified to have my first u/s next Monday. I’m so scared, y’all. I can’t take another disappointment like that. 😢 I’ve been really good at not stressing since we found out I was pregnant again, I really have. But the day is getting closer when we actually go SEE if there’s a baby.

I just keep telling myself that God has a plan for this pregnancy as He did the last and nothing I do will change anything.

Thanks for letting me vent.