i rushed this relationship and i don’t want it anymore.

my ex boyfriend cheated on me and broke up with me in September. a week later i found out i was pregnant with his kid and my parents forced me to get an abortion. literally. i still live with them and they drove me in there and made me make the appointment (i’m young).

and on new years i hung out with this guy who’s friends with my best friends boyfriend and who’s liked me for like 2 years. we ended up kissing. we’ve hung out like 4 times since. we started dating on January 20th. my parents won’t let me date obvi because of what happened, and it’s just a really weird situation. me and this boy ended up having sex (my mom forced me to be on birth control in case of this stuff which i’m thankful for ) but we still used a condom because i’m v paranoid abt this lol, i wanted to tho.

my issue is we had sex our third time hanging out. like ever. everything just feels so incredibly rushed but i’m the one who rushed it. i kinda introduced the idea of having sex and i feel like a complete and total whore, my emotions are all mixed.

i would never wanna hurt this guy but i don’t think i really like him. i thought i did but it doesn’t feel right.

i’m scared that i’ll break up with him and he’ll tell the whole school how much of a slut i am because i had to tell him what happened so he would understand my situation. i don’t want him to hate me. i do like him i just don’t enough to be with him, i can’t see myself in a truly committed relationship. i’m so paranoid of being cheated on.

i would really never want to hurt his feelings so i might just stay until i really cant. i’m so ashamed because i feel like such a slut. his bestfriend said i was a whore to my face. he said “seriously who the hell fucks someone the third time they ever hang out?” and i feel like he’s right. i’m so embarrassed. advice please?