If teething keeps your baby up at night, I have a question!


My little guy went down last night at around 7:30pm which is a pretty normal time. He’d had good naps during the day so I don’t think he was overtired or anything - his last nap ended at 5:10pm so he only had an awake period of 2 hours 20 mins. He was rubbing his eyes during our bedtime story and fell to sleep while nursing.

He woke up after 45 mins (not uncommon but usually goes straight back down, most of the time he sleeps for a good few hours at least though) and I couldn’t get him to sleep again until almost 10pm!!

My question is, could that be down to teething? He cut his fist two a few weeks ago but I can see his top gums are a little swollen so I think the next set are moving down. He stopped crying when I was rocking him but wouldn’t settle when I put him down. I tried nursing him too (twice actually) and the same thing happened - as soon as I put him down he woke up!! I finally got him down after giving him infant paracetamol but maybe that’s just coincidence.

I’m not sure if it is the teeth as surely he’d still be upset even when being held?

He woke up grumpy this morning so he’s either tired or in pain, I think!

Urgh, I wish he could talk sometimes just so he could tell me what’s wrong!!

Sorry I made it so long, I just didn’t want to leave anything out!!