Someone please help 😭😭

Jordyn • 24 year old mommy to a 2 1/2 year old princess❤️ TTC baby #2🥰

It's been 2 1/2 weeks that my daughter who turned 2 months today has had a fever. Heres a bit of a back story: We went to the emergency room 3 times before they ran any sort of tests, which all came back normal. Fever spiked again, usually around 100.4 - 100.9. This lasted about two days so we went back in where they prescribed us tylenol and sent us on our way which I was not happy with. A couple days later the fever still didnt break so we took her back in again where they did some more in depth tests that came back normal as well. It has been 3 days since we went to the emergency room last and the past 2 nights my daughter has been coughing, projectile vomited 3 times, and her fever went up to 101.3. 2 1/2 weeks that my poor baby girl has had fevers now and I'm lost as to what to do. The doctors the last time even told us a baby her age with a fever past 1 1/2 weeks wasnt "normal" and now we're this far?? Can someone please tell me if I'm over reacting or if they think there is something actually wrong like I do? Also I have been in touch with the doctors and they say not to bring her back in because they dont see anything concerning to them. I take her to childrens hospital of wisconsin so I thought I was taking her to the best of the best but I'm having second thoughts about my decision....