How do I get my little brother to stop having sex in public areas?

My little brother is 16 and I recently discovered he's sexually active. The only reason I caught on is because I'm a sex ed instructor and he asked me if wearing 2 condoms is safer. I explained to him why it isn't. Then I asked him where does he go to have sex because I know it's damn impossible to sneak out of our parents house and vice versa. He told me that he meets up with his girlfriend in abandoned houses or they get a tent and venture off into the woods. The tent part sounded pretty smart to me but the abandoned house thing had me worried. Homeless people often sleep there and cults like to use them as their hot spots too. I told this to my brother but he just told me he knows the risks he's taking. I wish my parents weren't so scary when it comes to sex because I feel like he wouldn't be sneaking around this badly if they were more understanding. I started sending my brother screenshots of articles about people getting put on the sex offender list for getting caught having sex in public and he left me on read. Then about 3 hours later he finally texted back and told me ok, I'm hearing you out. That made me happy because my brother usually never listens to me but I'm still worried that he's gonna keep doing it