Baby name meanings

Katie • Lives in Florida, FTM, Rainbow Boy Mom

I find it so interesting to know what your name means. I think it plays a part in who you are.

My sons name Zalman Yehoshua

Zalman is Yiddish (Solomon In English) and means Peace. He was named after his great grandfather who past exactly a year before his birthday and he was a very peaceful man in his old age I’m proud my son has his name.

Yehoshua (Joshua in English) means Salvation. This isn’t a name after anyone. I just always loved this name. And after learning what it means, it’s true. He is my rainbow baby and this saved me.

I believe names are picked by Gd and we knew we picked the right name when he was born. (Which is good cause I wouldn’t know what to do otherwise)

He is such a peaceful perfect baby and can Instantly calm anyone even if he’s crying. So so amazing.