My fiancé proposed without a ring

Mary • Wife💍 Angel momma🧸 Rainbow due March🌈

Last night my boyfriend and I were in a heated discussion. You see back in August he had really gotten my hopes up about a possible proposal. I had been dress shopping with a friend (who’s wedding is coming up), and I saw this gorgeous dress. It was everything I wanted in a wedding dress. I flipped over the price tag and this $800 wedding dress was on sale for only $200. The problem was, what use would I have for a wedding dress? Though my partner and I had been talking about it for the past year, I didn’t see him proposing any time soon. Later that night, I told him about the dress. He paused for a second, and then told me to buy it. In shock I asked why. “We aren’t even engaged” I said. He smiled and told me to just get it. I went on from there thinking he was going to propose. He knew this. And then he didn’t. Months went by and there was no mention of this again.

So last night I finally blew up. I told him how misled I felt. I was so confused. He told me that after he had to switch jobs he didn’t have the money to blow on a ring. This wasn’t true. The two of us had always agreed that we wouldn’t go over $500 for either ring. We didn’t want an extravagant wedding, we had always dreamed of something simple, small, and intimate. So he tells me that he had no intentions of proposing to me at the point that he had said that and that he had no idea I had taken it that way. I knew in my heart, at the very least, that second part wasn’t true. It made me so upset that I just walked away and went up stairs. I didn’t want to just stand around in the kitchen crying. I had nothing left to say to that.

I was so frustrated, because I knew things weren’t adding up. It wouldn’t have been like him to just lead me along for shits and giggles; that would be cruel and he’s always very considerate of my feelings. So why was he lying to me? He comes up stairs after a few seconds and sits down next to me. It’s quiet for a moment and he says “yeah, I knew that you had gotten your hopes up. I didn’t mean for it to hurt you like this. The truth is I didn’t tell you otherwise, because I DID plan to propose soon. Remember all of that money I had been saving for a new car? It was for a ring for you”. I was still puzzled “what kind of ring were you going to buy for $1500?”. “1800... didn’t plan for you to find out the price tag. I knew you might get mad if you knew it was so expensive,” He explained, “It was beautiful. I initially had been looking for something less expensive, but then I saw that one. It was beautiful and for the quality, the price they were asking was really good. I asked the owner to hold onto it until I had the money, but then I changed jobs and it set me back a little. By the time I came back the place was going out of business. After rent I didn’t have enough anymore. I asked if she would take 1,000, but she wouldn’t take less than 1500. She had to sell it to someone else.” I knew the store he was talking about.

I never even thought that things could have been that complicated. His story left me with the feeling that I should have been more open minded. I shouldn’t have gotten so offended. I told him that I didn’t want a ring; the ring is just a symbol. I wanted him. And with that he fell down to his knees, grabbed both of my hands and said this:

“Look into my eyes. I’m serious. I want you to see how serious I am. There was never going to be a perfect time, you said that yourself, but all this time I thought you wanted a ring and a sit down dinner. I wish I could give you all of that. I really do, but more than anything I want a life with you. So I’m asking now, will you marry me?”

I was shaking at this point. I could barely talk. All that came out was “yeah” and nodding my head. He got up and held me close.

It may not have been traditional, but I love him with all of my heart and I wouldn’t have it any other way❤️