Do you think I should keep going?

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

So I’m currently 5 weeks exactly, with an EDD on 10/06/20. I have a history of ectopic pregnancies and around 3 weeks 2 days I was having some cramping so my OBGYN put in a standing order for an every other day HCG beta test. I’ve gone 4 times so far.

On 01/27/20 at 3 weeks 6 days my HCG was 101.

On 01/29/20 it was 243.

On 01/31/20 it was 455.

And then yesterday at 4 weeks 6 days it was 1142.

So in a week it went from 101 to 1142.

Now the nurse (Patty) told me I don’t need to go anymore and that everything is looking PERFECT. But that if it eases my mind I can continue to go until I go in for my ultrasound and my appointment on 02/27/20@9:30am.

I need some extra input from you guys. Everyone thinks I should just wait until I go in for my ultrasound and part of me agrees, but the part of me that has horrible anxiety and panic disorder wants to keep going until the ultrasound. This is the same part of me that took over 10 pregnancy tests. (I started at 7DPO where I had a negative then, again negative at 8DPO, and then my positive at 9DPO. I tested until I was 15DPO.)

So, am I going overboard or do you guys think I should keep going because of the history of ectopic pregnancy?( some information about that: my very first pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy where I implanted on my left ovary, had severe pain and cramping with tons of blood. I didn’t know I was pregnant and it miscarried on its own. I found out when I went to the ER cause I couldn’t walk I was in so much pain. I was kept overnight to monitor my HCG beta which went down. I’ve had 4 live births since then and one miscarriage before my last daughter who is 2 years 8 months)

Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks ladies.