Late ovulation?

Can I please get some thoughts. I had EWCM on cycle days 14, 15, and 16. I guessed that I ovulated on CD 17. Then I had EWCM on CDs 20, 21, and 22. On CD 22 it had spots of pink blood in it. I had sex throughout the whole week. I know no one can tell for sure and it's just a waiting game for AF due in two days, but what are the chances I ovulated later than I thought? I have a 30 day cycle.

This would be my third and I'm all but certain I'm pregnant, I have breast changes that I've only had in pregnancy and I've been bursting into tears. So I'm either 12dpo or 7 dpo depending on ovulation. If I'm 12dpo I'd guess I'm out based on negative tests but being 7dpo would make sense for why I haven't gotten a bfp. Or I'm just not pregnant and my symptoms are wild.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting