Is there any way I could be pregnant? Or am I just being paranoid? I’ve been super stressed lately, my boobs are sore (my boobs are usually sore during my period), I’m not feeling nauseous, and I’m not tired. I feel like I’m just being paranoid.

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Update: not pregnant


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I mean... did you have unprotected sex around ovulation time? Because then yes you might be pregnant. And you should take a test. But if you haven’t had sex it’s probably just stress.


Ally • Feb 4, 2020
I would take a test. And get on birth control if you don’t want to get pregnant. You are probably fine though.


L • Feb 4, 2020
You could’ve ovulated later though.


Isabella • Feb 4, 2020
I had sex one time during my cycle and it was on the 26th but I ovulated on the 17th


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Take a test