Permanent birth control at 23

Epic • Just taking it day by day.

I have many reasons for not wanting to carry my own child. Most of them have to do with my health. I’m currently on nuvaring for birth control but my only true option is an IUD due to meds. However a few years ago nuvaring was supposed to be safe with my meds but new research shows it’s not. Who is to say the IUD isn’t the same? It terrifies me to put trust in the doctors when I could’ve easily already had an oopsie due to them not realizing the medication interactions. I want a tubal but I’m 23 and have no kids. Any tips for them to listen? Any important information from women who have a tubal or have been in my situation would be appreciated. Thank you!

*disclaimer my meds interact with everything other than the IUD however I want to keep my hormones as long as possible to keep me stable. So getting an IUD on their word and taking the risk of not only having a mistake happen but also take the risk of it migrating scares me more than having surgery for a tubal.