Baby! 9w2d and HR 182. Second confirmed ultrasound. I want to tell the families asap, but I don't want to lose baby. Although I think it's safe. Chances if losing baby? Should I tell?


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I just had another ultrasound yesterday 9w 6d and I told my doctor alright so I can tell now.... she said well does it feel right!? I said yeah so I told just a few family members yesterday. I’m not fully announcing until 15 weeks.


princess • Feb 4, 2020
Same here but my grandma was like I haven’t seen you in a while (the bloat is real) so I had to spill it


Sarah • Feb 4, 2020
I'm not fully announcing until the gender/end of March, where I'll be 16.5 weeks.


Posted at
I’d say it’s really up to you, whenever you feel comfortable telling people. I’ve been working with a fertility specialist who said that once you pass the 7 week mark and everything is looking/acting good/normal then your chances of miscarriages go down to 2-5%. I’ll “graduate” from the fertility center next week after my 9 week appointment, and hubby and I are planning to tell our parents & siblings that weekend (got some cute Valentine’s Day stuff planned for those announcements), and I’m sure we’ll slowly start telling close friends & the rest of the family after 10 weeks, but we probably won’t formally announce (you know, via Facebook 😂) until after we’re officially through the first trimester. And maybe even a little after that, haha.


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Announce whenever your ready. I’m going to wait until 12 weeks for certain people. But I’ll tell a few next week after the ultrasound.