Birth story to make some of you feel better!
I had a great birth story and I really wanted to share to ease some of your guys minds!
Due date February 15th.
Induction date February 13th.
At 38W 2D Sunday night/Monday morning 12:30am I went to sleep and woke up to back pain and sharp stomach pain. “Contractions” which I know most people say they feel like bad period cramps but for me I feel like it was more of a sharp pain. But then it’s exactly how they explain it...They started in my back then moved to the front and my stomach got super tight! When people say “you’ll know when you are having contractions.. trust me you’ll know! I always stressed that I wouldn’t know!
So I tried to sleep which I just kept waking up every time I got one. So around 2:30 am I woke up and started tracking them and they were lasting 1 minute every 4 minutes. So I called the on call nurse and she told me to head in. Here in Utah it was the one day where we were getting hit with like two feet of snow! I really had a feeling that this child was going to come that day because I stress driving in the snow so much. So of course she did! 😅 (my husband drove)
So we got to the hospital about 3:30 am
And the doctor said I was in labor. I got there snd I was a 2. Then I was give pitocin to help kick up the contractions and dilate. I was given the epidural at 7 am. And then I was dilated to a 4. Then the on call doctor was called in at 9 am and broke my water. Soon after I went from a 4 to a 7. Then a bit later I went from a 7 to a 10 and was ready to push by 1 pm. At 1pm I began to push and my baby was born at 2:12pm on 2/3/2020
The epidural was great! Besides the fact the last hour and a half my leg started feeling weird and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Then I realized I had restless leg. If any of you ladies struggled with restless legs you know how horrible that sounds. (I struggled with it the whole pregnancy!) The only thing that makes it better is walking and you can not do that. You can’t even move your leg!! So that was worse then anything!! But it went away! While I was pushing I think her leg was jammed in my rib because every time I would push I felt like my rib was broken
And it sucked. Other then that my contractions did not hurt. And honestly nothing hurt! Everything was so chill. When the baby is crowning that’s when my doctor come in and I pushed like 4 times and she was out. Then about 10 people come in your room ( it gets a little crazy and
You’re legs are wide open and a lot of people get to see your personal business. 🙀 But honestly you’re just wanting that baby out) my daughter came out with stuff in her lungs so I got to see her for 30 seconds then she was taken off with my husband to the nicu just to get it out. And then everyone left!!. My nurse was in and out but I went from having tons of people to having no one in my room and my baby taken and I was sad and so emotional! But knew she was in great hands!!!
So all I have to say about birth is it was so easy... at least for me! So don’t listen to horror stories. Also epidurals aren’t the end of the world. I pushed for an hour
And it gets tiring fast. Idk if I could have went for longer!
Now let’s talk about after birth.... 😖 your poor poor vagina will hurt so bad! The changing your diaper sucks so bad! And they have to push on your stomach every 15 minutes for about 2 hours. Then like a couple times every once in awhile after that. THIS IS THE WORST PART!!!! Your stomach is so sore and it hurts so bad. They just have to get the blood out and make sure you don’t hemmorage! 😭😭 I would give birth again rather then having to go through the stomach pushing again!
Also so many people say “don’t let your baby go to the nursery while you get some sleep!”
Pshhhhh. I was up for like two days straight and their was no way I was sleeping with a new baby in the room with me. I had to send her away and it was the best choice
I got about 8 hours and so did my husbands yes we’re still so tired’ haha but don’t be afraid to let the nurses take your baby. They will do so great with them! 💖
While you’re at the hospital don’t forget to ask all the questions you can! The nurses are so much help.
The things I used..
my slippers.
My own socks
Loose pjs and a big t shirt.
( when you breast feed the night gowns get so annoying to un button and button back up every time. Shirt is way easier. And when you go to the bathroom to change your diaper lol it’s so much easier to pull pants down rather then having to hold a night gown and do all that you have to do.
Chap stick
My own pillows and blanket.
And things to watch like if you have an iPad or dvds or something.
Tooth brush
Shampoo and conditioner.
Also I would bring an extra bag because you take a lot home!!!!!
Good luck ladies!
Also rather then buying pads for when you get home I would buy adult depends. They will work so much easier!!!
Meet Payton Jay 💕
7 pounds born at 2:12 pm on 2/3/2020

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.