Need advice

So I went to doctor and found out I’m due in September but also to find out I have cyst on my right ovary and it .3cm to big for normal size and they talking about I may need to get it removed and also fibroids. I work as a delivery driver for independent contractor for amazon and he’s pain in A!! the doctor put me on weight restriction he will not follow it so he cut me down from 40 hours a week to 12 and he want me to get another note from doctor telling what is going on with me before he give my hours back and them telling him I need to be on light duty in order for him to put me on desk duty to handle all the employees on they routes it been so stressful I just wanna quit but I’m not a quitter and I’m like if you didn’t go off weight restriction why you wanna have me go through get another note I feel he just wanna be all in my personal business..