Fellow Anterior Placenta Mommy’s


Almost 20 weeks, and still haven’t felt any kicks. Anyone else super bummed about it? I can feel some pressure occasionally but still no kicks. ☹️

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Feeling exactly the same , however didnt experience this with my last two children so its a little weird for me


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It bums me out that my husband can’t feel the kicks...I can feel them but barely ☹️however my pregnant friend has a low lying placenta and is on pelvic rest so I feel like that would be worse


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In a way I’m relieved because it explains why they can never find the heartbeat with the Doppler. I feel some movements but nothing like with my first. I’m trying not to worry too much.


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21+3 and have no bump and no movement. Anterior placenta. Had an anterior placenta last pregnancy and never felt my daughter move the entire duration of the pregnancy. They told me to most likely expect much of the same this time.


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I’m 23 weeks and last night my husband and i finally felt the kicks! Just keep waiting!


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Mine was anterior the first time and I didnt feel anything until around 21 weeks. I felt it earlier this time so I'm guessing it's not anterior.


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I didn’t feel much of anything until just after 21 weeks. Now I feel a ton! Just give it some time. My OB said sometimes it’s closer to 22/23 weeks with a first time momma and an anterior placenta.


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I have that, and a bicornuate uterus! She was kicking up a storm at my anatomy scan and I'm just like 🤷‍♀️ I want to feel her movement, but I'm also thankful that I'm able to relax without having the crap kicked out of me 😂😂😂


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In my last pregnancy I started feeling flutters at about 16weeks. And this time I felt it today for the first time, I'm 19w2d... I guess you'll just have to wait few more weeks, and you'll feel them...


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Right here with you. I feel minimal movements. Not any kicks u less she comes way up. But she likes to stay right on the placenta 🤦‍♀️😭


Ashley • Feb 5, 2020
Also...I'm 21 weeks