I need advice

So I was 14 days late for my missed period. No period all January. BUT all January I’m nauseous headache dizzy. When I’m about to get me period I have soooo many symptoms BUT January NONE. I was convinced I was pregnant so me taking multiple test all coming out invalid didn’t help. Then today I went pee and wiped and had spotting. I literally leaving spots on the pad and mostly just when I wipe. I’m not in pain but just a weird new to me feeling. Still a little nauseous off and in. Could this be Subchorionic hematoma? Could this maybe be a Bahama baby (we just came back from a cruise in the middle of January.) could it be so and that maybe it’s implantation bleeding? For my daughter I was bleeding and didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was almost 4 months. Im so lost and confused. I’m waiting for an upcoming dr appointment.