:/ idk what I do wrong

Alicia • 23 • Michigan • taken 💞

I’m a few weeks into my second semester and I added a guy from my class on Snapchat. I wanted to make friends with him. We sit next to each other in class every day. He just deleted me on Snapchat, and I have class with him tomorrow. Funny thing is i kinda got the vibe that he was avoiding me. One reason I wanted to make friends is so I’d have someone to help me with homework and he actually has. But now I guess that’s gone :/

Edit: someone commented and then deleted “girl I’m going to be honest, you are pregnant and in a relationship “

1: I am NOT pregnant 😂😂😂😂I’ve posted about pregnancy scared because of my cycle being weird. But I’ve never had unprotected sex and only had a condom break once.

2: yes I’m in a relationship and I am happy. However, that means I can’t want friends? And I can’t be bummed that someone I thought was becoming my friend did this

3: I’m trying to not be lonely in college and in my classes. It’s good to have friends you can study with and ask for help in class. So I’m glad you deleted that comment because half of it wasn’t even true