A crush in college

Hi guys, so this might sound dumb but I needed people’s opinions that I dont know.

There’s this guy that I think is really cute from my school, last semester we would occasionally talk about like our assignments and school in general. He would always start the convos and my friends would always catch him staring at me. I would be nervous to approach him and talk to him, but he would end up talking to me some days. I dont know if I read into it too much, but I ended up having a little crush on him (because he was sweet and cute 🤷🏻‍♀️).

Anyways, after our break just recently, I found him on IG and followed him (still super nervous) but after like 4 days he accepted it and followed me back. We don’t have any classes together this semester so I can’t see him in class anymore. Idk if I messed up my chance or anything but

My question is this: should I make a move and try to message him? If so, what do I even say? Or should I just leave it?

I hate making the first move, but if I need to I will. Thanks for your help!