Infant Nightmare?!

Danielle • * Wife ~ Dog Mom ~ FTM of Archer Xavier 💙 11/28/2019 💙 *

My son (9 weeks) has woken up the last two nights SCREAMING. The first night was around 2:30. He screamed himself awake and was choking on spit up, gurgling and coughing. So I assumed that choking is what got him screaming. But last night he did the same thing around 12:30 but this time no spit up, no choking, nothing. Just screamed awake. I calmed him down and he fell back to sleep within a minute and that was the end of it.

Anyone have experience with this? We just switched his formula two days ago (day of first screaming incident) to Similac Alimentum.

It’s just so scary!! These screams are nothing like any of his cries I’ve heard before.