Pregnant w a ruptured cyst 🥴

So I went into the ER yesterday because I’ve been having real bad sharp pains which actually feel like contractions on my right side in my lower abdomen. The dr comes and draws blood everything is normal, she does a pelvic exam everything there looks normal as well but because of where my pain is she says she thinks I had an ovarian cyst and it ruptured. Ok cool thats fine 20 minutes goes by and she comes back and tells me she can’t give me the pain medicine because I’m pregnant 😩 my test came back after they did my pelvic exam , im only about 3-4 weeks so they couldn’t really see much on my ultrasound last night. but im still having these pains plus im cramping bc this is around the time im supposed to come on my cycle... Has anyone had this problem before? If so like what did you do? I took some tylenol but thats just putting me to sleep , I got see the ob tomorrow hopefully they’ll be able to see me .