Idk what I’m doing!


Okay so I realized a long time before I found out that I was pregnant that I had really really fucked up!!!!! But I know I’m not the only lady who has made this mistake. So I wasn’t being treated right for so long in the relationship I am in; I’ve tried to talk about told how I felt and tried my hardest to make things work or kinda go back to how it was. They I started to hang out with my bfs cousin (only by marriage not blood) and so after a few months of us hanging out him helping get to know this new state I was in. I started to talk about the issues we was having or more so how I was feeling mistreated. And he would talk to me about his past and things. Had things in common that we shared and was always fun and easy when we hung out. Well after 4 months of us chilling and me taking him and the bf to work everyday and picking them up; we started to hook up. It just kept happening at first we were super careful with the sex part then we started to drift apart. We both felt that it was getting out of hand and that I need to figure things out. Shortly after are last time having sex in September I wasn’t feeling so great. By mid October I took a test bc it’s now been 2 week since my period was supposed to start (this happened every 4 month) and it turned out that I was pregnant! However I wasn’t really having sex with my bf as much, things started to go crazy in my head. The guy stopped talking to me and when he did he was an asshole and then I understood how he felt. I was left to figure it out. So about 11 weeks in my bf found out I was pregnant but I didn’t tell him the truth. The other guy doesn’t want me to tell him but he told me he will except the consequences when the baby comes. We don’t talk about it. And he don’t ask me questions about it either. I more so think he waiting to see if it really his. Is why he’s keeping his distance. Not looking for criticism but understanding and helpful ways to converse with them about this. I understand that I fucked up!