God is going to bring my baby home.


If you've ever had a misscarage or, if you've always had great experiences with all your pregnancies, we have all had doubts at some point in our pregnancy that we might not bring home a healthy, full term baby..or am I wrong?

If you have ever had a fear creep into your life that you might loose the baby your carrying then I'm in the boat that you're in. This is my 5 pregnancy and if God allows me to keep this baby full term this will be my 2nd child. It doesn't get easier with more pregnancies but I'm happy to say that I learned to put my faith in God with each pregnancy over any doctor or midwife. I have been to them all and had every test done and didnt have anymore peace going in then I did getting the results, I wanted to say all this because I want you (whoever need the reassurance) to know that God hasn't forgotten about you and he cares so much about you. God is waiting for his own reasons to give us the baby we need to take home and I know when the time comes HE WILL let you have both the peace of mind during your pregnancy and your healthy full term baby.

Please comment and let me know if your having doubts or if you just need someone to pray with you. I might not be able to tell you anything that gives you peace like God can, but if I can I'd love to help you celebrate the small victories that give you comfort. Just a thought... I hope this gives someone encouragement and give glory to an all mighty God.