Would it annoy you if the guy you were seeing showed everyone and bragged about how big his penis was?

My friend hooked me up with this guy and we’ve been seeing each other for about two months now. Honestly everything was fine the first few weeks but we were recently at a party and he kept bragging about his penis size. Some of his guy friends even told me that he always does this and that one time a girl called him “small dick” and he flashed the whole room just to prove her wrong. I don’t know how to feel about it... this seems to be his only flaw like he’s really nice and sweet, everything I feel I want in a guy but 6 months from now do I really want the guy meeting my family to brag about his penis size the whole time? No. And to make matters worse I told my friends and they hate him already. He also flashed me a few times while we were on dates and at first I thought it was just him being a typical 20 year old but I feel like now he uses his penis size to validate something? I don’t know but I feel like it’s kinda weird especially since he not only does it to me but also strangers. What do you all think? Should I call things off with this guy before I get attached?