When did your baby start to actually swallow solids?


My little guy is just 6 months (July 31st) and we’ve been practicing him with purées since 5.5 months. He was a week overdo, showed signs of being ready, double birth weight, increasing his feeds to every 2 hrs (ebf). But his tongue thrust is still so strong and he rarely opens his mouth to feed. I’ve tried the same food for three days In a row and have tried oatmeal, banana, avocado, sweet potato, peas, prunes, apple and pear. If he does open his mouth and I get it in far enough he’ll swallow but it’s rare I can do that. He’s just not interested at all! He’s 19 lbs and meeting all his other milestones. He just loves the boob 🙈🙈

Any suggestions? Does anyone else’s baby not show any interest?? I’ve been told they spit it out more often than not at first...but it’s been 3 weeks. Everyone else’s baby seems to be eating a lot! Maybe it’s because he’s born the last day of July I have a hard time comparing my babe to others born this month who are older....

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