Three days late


Sorry for the lengthy read BUT I was predicted to have my ovulation window from the 15th-21st of January. We BD every day during that time. From the 25th to the 27th of January I had pink when I wiped and I posted on here about it and most said it was most likely implantation bleeding. It is now the 5th of February with no AF and my period was due to start on the 3rd. From the 3rd to the 4th I had, once again, pink but only when I wiped. Today is the 5th and there's no more pink and I have watery CM. I've gotten sick the past two days. Yesterday I got sick after eating and today I was cleaning and my husband cooked bacon and the smell of cleaning supplies and bacon 🥴🤢🤮 made me throw up again. ANYWAY shortly after, I went pee then sat down. My husband suggested I maybe test tonight so I did. And of course it's negative. I was wondering if taking a test within the hour of already urinating, drinking water and taking it in the evening would affect my results? I was looking up when women typically get a strong positive and it said usually around 10 days after 1st day of missed period. And as far as the drinking fluids and taking a test it says in early pregnancy it can affect test results. But if I'm 2-3 days late I'm not sure if fluids would have an affect at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏