11 days late??


So I am currently 11 days late for my period. I was supposed to get it Jan 25, but haven't had any symptoms except some minor cramps here and there.

I had sex on January 1st (🥳 LMAO) and took a plan b on Jan 3 almost exactly 48 hours later. My boyfriend and I had decided on starting to try for a baby this year, but I have a trip planned for Italy in August and I would be too far along to fly internationally so we thought it would be best to wait a few months into the year to start trying again, which is why I ended up taking a plan b almost 3 days later. I was supposed to ovulate starting on the 5th, but sometimes I start ovulating like a day after my period ends.

I started some very light spotting on Jan 10. It started out as brown, then went to pink, then was red. It lasted for about 5 days and ended with a good amount of really watery discharge. Spotting after plan b isn't a normal side effect, but I read that it does sometimes happen.

I had just finished my period on Dec 31st, and my cycles are normally 28 days long. My period is very regular, so I chalked up me missing a week to that. But I still haven't gotten it and it'll be two weeks late this Saturday.

I have taken so many pregnancy tests but they keep coming up negative, however I am having some pregnancy symptoms. I was pregnant last year but miscarried, so I know what symptoms are like for me. I'm peeing like a race horse and I'm super bloated and I'm crazy nauseous. I'm also cramping randomly. Sometimes it's really mild and I barely notice it, but last night it was quite a bit more uncomfortable, but not close to my period cramps.

I've done a little research on ectopic pregnancies, and I'm a bit worried that might be what's going on with me. Plan b isn't supposed to make your period over a week late, and the spotting was definitely not a period.

I've decided that if I don't get my period by this Saturday, I'm going to go get a blood test done somewhere next week and maybe an ultrasound if they'll do it I don't know. I haven't gone to the doctors yet because I don't have health insurance, and I really can't afford a bill like that right now.

But if anyone can let me know what they think, or has experience with this happening to them please let me know. It'll definitely calm me down. I actually really hope I'm pregnant, I think I'll be a bit disappointed if I'm not at this point.