Is it normal?? 29 weeks 5 days

Kathryn Elizabeth • 🤰🏻+👼🏼+🙏🏼+⏳+👨‍👧+🐶🐶+💍+🏡+🤰🏻+👨‍👩‍👧‍👦+🤰🏻 Athena Lynn 09/03/13 Brandon Paige Jr. 11/30/18 Baby Zoey Due 04/20/20

So I think I pulled a muscle in my lady bits area. It hurts really bad to walk or move my legs. And it isn’t my whole area it’s only the left side. And if I’m sitting down I’m okay as long as I’m not spreading my legs.

WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?

I have a 14 month old son running around I can’t just sit still all the time. And I don’t even know what I did to cause this. Seriously one minute I was fine and the next I wasn’t.