Cons and pro


Has anyone tried this tea for trying to convince? I would love to hear pros and cons about this. We have been trying nearly 2 1/2 years now and I would love to try something new. Yes I know there adoptions and other options but we still wanna keep trying.

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Posted at
I tried the candies. I’m not sure if they helped or if just really tracking my ovulation helped but I tried them for a month and next cycle found out I was pregnant. Worth a shot 🤷‍♀️


Cresencia • Feb 6, 2020
Congrats to you and thanks


Posted at
Tried this tea for a month and didn’t work for us. I think its good for women who has irregular cycle because it will help to regulate it. My cycle are pretty regular but after taking this tea it made them longer and ovulation got confusing.


Posted at
Currently drinking the tea and taking the candies since the 20th of last month to help regulate my cycles. Right now they’re 12 days long. Obviously that’s a problem with TTC. I’ve had two months of 12 day cycles and three months of normal cycles since getting off the combination pill in August (two normal, one month with 2 periods, one normal, then now going on two months of irregular periods assuming I bleed again this month). Doctors won’t do anything until March, and even then it’s just gonna be something to force me to ovulate. The tea has helped with my cramping and acne so far. Hasn’t regulated my cycle yet but I’m still holding out hope. I’m also taking evening primrose oil on top of that to try to help regulate and up fertile cm (if I ever get a chance to ovulate 🙄) I like the flavor a lot but I’m also someone who loves almost any kind of herbal tea. It’s lightly sweetened which is nice but the second cup (because it says to use one bag for two servings) isn’t as sweet but it doesn’t bother me too much. Hope this helped!


Cresencia • Feb 6, 2020
Wish you luck


Posted at
I just ordered the tea and it will be here Friday. My periods are borderline not periods. Meaning I am spotting for 4 days, but not really bleeding. So I am hoping that this helps me out. I have been trying for a year and had 1 miscarriage.


Cresencia • Feb 6, 2020
Wish you luck


Posted at
I’m trying this next month! I’ve heard good things 🤞🏻


G • Feb 6, 2020
Same to you!


Cresencia • Feb 6, 2020
I’ve heard good things too. Wish you good luck