Home insemination!!!


Hey There ladies sooooo!!!! My fiance ( a 25 yo f) and I (a 31 yo f) are going to ttc by way of home insemination!!! I have 2 same sex couple friends who have been successful and also have done much much much (potentially way to much lol) research and preparations for this!!! We have a donor and we have been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> and cycles for 3 months now we use multiple apps just as a way to insure correct ovulation timing!!! All of the apps say that my most fertile day is the 13th!!! Now with the research I have done and with suggestions from my doctor we will be trying 2 times in this cycle...if you ladies have questions about how home insemination works ask away, I have consulted multiple doctors and I see a doctor regularly who has informed me of the TRUTHS and myths of home insemination...the number one question I get is usually can sperm survive out side of the body? Yes it does it can live up to 72 hours out side of the body with out being frozen before all of the sperm die...it is best to use FRESH specimen it is most efficient to use with in 30 minutes of being expelled from the body...anyone else tried any type of insemination? The preparations for this werent easy and also planning and setting a mood of comfortablity is sooooo stressful because it can feel weird but setting comfortable mood is so important!!!