Just need a pointless rant

Rebecca • Nathaniel Ezra 💙👶29th July 2019 Alexander Marcus & Zachariah Lucas💛💚 19th August 2020

This is so pointless so please only read if you're really bored 😂.

So my MIL, honestly believes that she knew the exact date she conceived my partner.

Which has always ground me for 2 reasons; she would have never known precisely when she ovulated and she will never know how long it took for the sperm to meet the egg.

I've always let it slide until yesterday she rang me saying, 'awww just realised bc you told me you conceived on Christmas day, the baby will be born October 2nd, they will be a Libra like you.'

So I politely said that actually the due date is September 15th, bc it's calculated from first day of last period until you have your scan, but even then they include the 2 weeks before ovulation.

Well she wasn't having any of it, saying that's for women who don't know when they conceived, she knew so those 2 weeks were pointless. We ended up getting into a debate on how I was wrong, she was wrong and in the end she accused me of being patronising even though she was saying the exact same stuff to me!


I do love her though, so here's a pic of her and my son 💖