Cd46 😭😢😢😢


I dont want to make a long post but here is my concerns. Been ttc for a year and half due to unexplained infertility. I am currently cd 46 and no pregnancy. My dr put on progesteron medication for 10 days to jump start my period. Today been day 7 i went in for an Ultra sound just to check if there is a sac or period coming. So she said no baby, period is getting ready to start cos my linning was tick and to my surprise she saw a 14mn size of folicule on my left ovary.

So my question is: today would hv been cd14 if af was not late. So is it possible to skip and period and ur body ovulate around the time you were supposed to? So confused🤔😩. And according to my opk looks like my body was gearing up for O as i had almost +opk. Please help. Am lost.