5m/o sleeping


My 5 month old (on the 8th), has been waking every 2 hours at night to feed😖. I feel like we’re back to the newborn stage! My husband and I sill try to soothe him with his pacifier-when that doesn’t work we try to cuddle him- when that doesn’t work I nurse him, which 99% most of the time works and he’s back to sleep...until I put him in his pack&play in our room-he’ll stir and fuss but goes to sleep, but then wakes back up 2 hours later and we redo the process all over again!!

We try a bottle at least 1 time in the night with 5oz of my milk, in case he’s just not filling up with nursing- but that didn’t stop him from waking 2 hours later again.

We’re on a good pattern of wake, play, sleep.

We did introduce baby rice around 4 months (got the OK from the doc), even that doesn’t seem to be filling him up for a long early night stretch.

I’m beginning to LOSE my mind & so is my husband!

Any ideas/advice?? I’m beginning to wonder if it’s becoming a comfort thing versus actual hunger.