How to get 10 month old to sleep without waking up to eat???


My daughter is 10 months. She has a pretty good schedule. Wakes up at 7 am, drinks 5 oz of formula. Takes a nap at 10-11 am. Wakes up has 5 oz of formula, 1-2 hours after she has gerber or snacks like fruit. Stays awake until 2 pm and naps from 2-3. At 4 she has a bottle and the time in between 4-7 pm she has her baby snacks, baby yogurt, food I prepare for her, fruit and at 7 pm I start getting her ready for her bath she has her bath and by 7:45-8:00 she’s drinking a bottle and goes to bed. She tends to wake up around 3-4 am to eat. She goes back to sleep right after but I’m trying to see how I could get her to sleep without waking up once to eat at night. Any tips, tricks or suggestions would be great and highly appreciated!