Feeling numb

f..🤍 • Married💍 A♥️ Sahara💜September 2010 Zakariya 💙August 2020 TTC#baby 3 …

Currently 9weeks 3days according to ultrasound I’ve just been feeling so numb this pregnancy I feel hardly any Excitement even though I want this baby so much had two previous losses

I got me daughter whose 9 but this is my husbands first and his so excited and that just adds to the pressure I feel bad because I just sort of take it out on him and his been so good with all my moodiness anxiety everything since I conceived I kept thinking the worst then had a ultrasound everything was perfect etc but because I had a missed miscarriage I keep feeling like somethings going to go wrong I have my 3 months scan on the 24th and I just feel like soo numb like I’m expecting the worst and even the symptoms I’m getting just gets me depressed because I feel like imagine I go through all this and then nothing anyone else feeling like this? I feel soo bad because this baby is so wanted but I can’t get excited