Virginia TTC


Hi everyone, I live in the central Virginia area. I've been with my husband for 6 years. While we never actively tried to get pregnant we did nothing to prevent it, thinking it would happen when it happened.

And it never happened.

So I have started tracking my cycles, which are short (25 days) but very regular, like clockwork.

He's started taking supplements to help with motility. I'm doing so much just...constant research. Kind of obsessing over trying to figure out the best way (quickest) for me to get pregnant. I've tried to tell myself "maybe I'm not meant to have children and I'm ok with that"

But I'm not ok with that and I feel that I am meant to have children, I just have to figure out the missing piece to my freaking fertility puzzle. Is it my eggs? Tubes? Hormones? His sperm? Am I ovulating properly? Do I drink too much coffee??!!

Anyways..AF is due today, she still hasn't shown up and it's getting late...I took a test this morning, BFN. So I'm stressing and obsessing and just trying to prepare myself emotionally for when AF does come along.

I dunno. I just really NEED a baby and I'm prepared to do what it takes to get pregnant. I don't think I was ready before, to track my cycle, to look into medication, to schedule sex during my fertile days. But I'm fully prepared for everything now.

Ok. I'm done with my rant. Sorry for the long post. Just needed to release some of those thoughts. 🙄😬😳