Little things

So I have been a little depressed lately. I have been dealing with a lot of pain and pressure and general discomfort/sickness/fatigue that comes with late pregnancy. I was excited to get my first cervical check due to all the pain but I was completely closed. Which is really tough to hear.

BUT, today my husband showed me these adorable little animal pillows his cousin makes and said we should order one with our sons name on it. We have been keeping his name a secret, so buying something with his name made me smile. It made it feel a little more real that he will be here soon. And then his baby book came in the mail. Going through and filling out what I could, it made my heart feel so full already, seeing and putting into words all the love that led up to him being in our lives.

I know it’s tough, waiting around for our little ones to make their debut. But sometimes you have to grasp the little joys that make it worth the wait.