What would you do?

My husband has a distant relative who is unfortunately stuck in a life full of drugs and homelessness. She has been offered help many times and has not bothered to go through with it- it’s because of this, her youngest son (out of 3) was placed into foster care and her other two are being raised by relatives.

We’ve now had her youngest placed in our home for over a year and his adoption date is nearing at the end of this month. Yay!! 🎉

He is my second child and I do not want any more- in fact, I got sterilized because I feel so strongly about only wanting two. He was exposed to an entire list of drugs while in utero and its because of this that he has special needs/delays making day-to-day life a little more challenging for our family.

I have this nagging feeling- and it may just be my anxiety- that his birth mother is going to get pregnant again eventually. Should this happen- we will most likely be the first people that the state will call should she prove unfit to care for said baby. My husband says that it wouldn’t be our problem and I’m undecided about how I feel.

So if you were in our shoes and we’re asked to adopt/foster another child of hers, would you agree to it? Or no?

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