

I’m 17 years old and I’ve never been on a date before. I’m going on a date with this guy on Sunday and I’m pretty nervous lol. We’ve been FaceTiming and Snap-chatting and he seems really sweet and funny and cute. He’s also really awkward and it’s cute😂. I’ve always been a curvy girl on the larger side and because of that I’ve always been nervous to date a really skinny guy. I’m way more confident in myself and my body than I used to be, but a part of me is still nervous about it. He runs track and he said one of the things that he’s insecure about is how skinny he is. I know this is stupid but I’m nervous he’s not gonna like me because I’m bigger than him. Have y’all ever dated someone way skinnier than you? Did it make you feel insecure or did you get over it? Typing this out makes me realize how silly it is but idk. I mean do guys even think about it or care? I don’t think he will but I just don’t want it to be weird