Birth Story


Not a super long birth story, but went in with contractions on Wednesday around noon and I thought I was leaking fluid. Well they checked me, I was at a 3.5 cm 70% effaced.. they wanted me to get to 4 cm before they would for sure let me stay, (I was only 38 weeks 5 days). Got up and walked a ton, did squats in the hallway, I was determined to not leave. They gave me until 4:30, doc came in to check me, I was at a 4.5. So bam! I got to stay. My contractions by themselves weren’t doing much of anything so they started me on pitocin, and that’s all they needed. Didn’t even give me much pitocin and my contractions took off. By about 7:30 I was at an “easy” 6, by 9:30 I was at an 8, and by 10:45 I was at a 9.5. Around 11:00 they came back in, had me do a few practice pushes and it took me to 10, and ready to go. Baby girl was born at 11:32 pm. 8 lbs 4 oz of sweets! Looks just like her sister ❤️