Why me...


Went in for scheduled induction on Wednesday night at 10. Things progressed pretty quickly and by around 10/11 am I was dilated to 8. My epidural was not working. At all. Baby’s heart rate kept dropping so they rush me in for an emergency C-section. They put me to sleep. When I woke up, I was back in my hospital room without my baby. My husband was crying and told me that our little boy came out not breathing and they had to preform CPR for over 10 minutes. They put him on a ventilator, he started having seizures and then they told us he could be brain dead, so they had to transport him to a different hospital and I couldn’t be with my baby. Neither myself or my husband got to see him until they were leaving with the NICU team, we couldn’t even touch him 😭 I was crying, like whaling out, WHY ME GOD?! Everything during this pregnancy has gone so smooth. The labor was going so smooth. Until it wasn’t. Now, I’m alone in my hospital room, with a fresh open wound in my body that is excruciatingly painful, without my sweet baby, without my husband. (I made daddy go be with our baby)

Thank god for the nurse who took this pictures of my sweet boy for me. Everyone please keep him in your prayers. My first and only baby and I truly don’t know what I will do if he doesn’t make it. I have never felt a love or a pain so deeply.

My sweet Easton Bridges