First trigger shot, help trying to stay positive!

Amy • 4/2/22 👶💙, 👼8/18, 👼6/19, 👼10/5/19

I have PCOS, over the last 2 years we've done 6 rounds of clomid and had 2 chemicals. First round of 5mg letrozole we got pregnant but miscarried at 10 weeks. Second round I didn't even ovulate 😭. On my third round now, had a follicle check yesterday cd14 and had 2 mature follicles, did our first trigger last night and I'm just so afraid it's not going to work...I got a positive opk this morning I have zero egg white cm and my cervix is slightly soft and only a little bit open. BD tonight and tomorrow morning..trying not to stress but it's sooo hard...any positive stories out there?!?