Finally some answers!!


So a few days ago I wrote a rant post and being being scared to give birth since I was in sooooo much pain due to a kidney infection. Since then I’ve been taking the antibiotics and drinking hella water and the pain just would not go away.

Today I went in to do the stress test and my blood pressure has been on the high side. They checked my pee again while I was there, and everything came back fine. Turns on the baby is actually on my kidneys and that’s why I’m in so much pain😅 anyways since I’m 39 weeks today the doctor gave the go ahead on getting induced.

We go in on Sunday at 4pm and my anxiety is through the roof. Like this is real, real life is happening and very soon I’ll be pushing out my kid. I’m so terrified and honestly I thought I was ready but now I’m freaking out.