My boyfriend cried last night

Last night, my boyfriend and I were having sex and suddenly I didn’t feel “right anymore”. I knew something was wrong and I couldn’t figure it out, so I told him stop and he kept going saying he wanted to make me happy, and I told him it was okay and 0.2 seconds later, he suddenly got soft, it was quick. He just got up and went to the restroom, turned the shower with the lights off and closed the door. I gave him a few minutes to himself, walked in the restroom and he’s laying in the tub with the shower running while crying. I didn’t know what was wrong. He told me he had gotten fat, and he gets tired quickly and that he can’t use the same energy like he used to. “I wanna get your pregnant, I’m 28 and I’m getting older. It hurts me every time you pee on the stick and it it’s only 1 line.”

I was literally lost of words.