36weeks, 6days starting labour πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜


So I went to get checked @ 10:30am today bc of bloody show this morning, I went from 0 and cervix closed (Monday 3,2020) to 3cm and 55 effacement πŸ˜€ without regular contractions.

Bc baby wasn’t cooperating when they did stress test I was told I needed to be back at 1pm for an ultrasound( once i left the doctors office I was having some painful contractions so I got there At 1pm my baby girl is perfect weights 7.2oz super engaged and kept having contractions then, so they check me again and I was 3 1/2 cm dilated and cervix is super soft 😊within 1 hour frame.

Since ive been walking and bouncing on the birthing ball, so hopefully she comes today or tomorrow bc contractions are regular and painful.

Any similar experiences?