Found my first few gray hairs

So I'm turning 30 next month found my first few gray hairs...its not noticable unless you look. I'm fine with getting my grey hairs I'm just wondering I guess when is the right time to switch to shampoo for gray hair? I've looked online and nothing is answering that question just giving me product advise and or dying hair advice...the gray hairs are underneath but in the front by my face however I have noticed my roots look worn out if that's the right description...I'm a dark brunette I have dyed my hair in the past but it's all natural now. I had just recently switched to a different shampoo because I noticed my roots were looking a little like they were dried out they dont really match my natural brunette anymore and I get that part of that has to do with dying my hair in the past. So I switched over to a moisturizing shampoo but I've seen no change other than now noticing the gray hair 😁. Do you think it's too soon to go to a shampoo for gray hair? Or have any recommendations for my roots?