Who has to move out of the room?

I live in a dorm room and had the same roommate for about 8months now. She is around 6 years older and we work at the same place but with different schedules. She’s very picky with what I do. She asked me not to eat in the room or use certain products I own. We don’t have a kitchen and only a microwave in the room so I can’t even use that and usually eat in the hallway or in the common room (people come and go so no privacy). I lived with roommates my whole life so I’m used to adjusting my life. It’s very inconvenient but I put it up with it. But she seems like she can’t live if she doesn’t have everting her way 100%. She is a VERY VERY VEEEERY light sleeper so she’ll wake up even if I sit up in bed.

My friend who lives in the building is leaving in a couple days so I spent the last two weekends hanging out. I came back home late, sometimes at 2, or 4ish. But I know she’s sleeping so I stay respectful and says close the door slowly so it doesn’t click, wash my hands and literally go straight to bed. When I do, she wakes but and grunts or cuss me out under her breath and get out of bed.

Last night she text me while I was out that she wants me to move out of the room because I am disturbing her sleep. I get that she’s a light sleeper but I’ve been nothing but respectful. She can’t tell me what time I have to be back and always stay quiet. I don’t eat, talk on the phone, or use my products I bought with my money because she doesn’t like the smell of it. And she said that I do not show her the same respect.

She is not my mother, I don’t live on her property, I don’t pay her rent. We live in a dorm and I am a very respectful roommate. The only thing is on Fridays and Saturday’s I might stay out to drink. And not even that often. Mostly I get an Airbnb off post so I don’t have to be in my room.

She has a background of them thogh, she kicked out her last 2-5 roommates because of things like this. I asked her why couldn’t she leave because what she’s complaining about it completely normal behavior. She has her boyfriend over with no head up and he doesn’t leave even when I take a shower. Also she says that she’s been there longer than I have so i have to leave. If I’m a completely fine roommate and just can’t take having a roommate, why do I have to leave and not her? She’s just gonna keep kicking out roommates after me anyways.

Well I’m talking to the manager on Monday to sort it out because I don’t think it’s fair that I have to put up with all her demands. Please comment what you think about this situation AF if I’m in the wrong or I should just walk out of there without a fight. My living situation has been hostile since I moved in but I don’t want her to think she can do whatever she wants.